Minimizing Humidity Levels In Your Storage Unit

If you are interested in renting space to hold your belongings temporarily, you will want to take time in preparing items in a way that they will not be a risk to the storage unit due to their moisture content. If the storage unit you are renting does not offer climate control, humidity becomes a concern you will need to reduce on your own. Here are some tips you can use in preparing items so they do not fall victim to deterioration as a result of humidity, as well as a few ways to keep the levels down so the risk is lessened overall.

Wipe Down Items Beforehand

It is important to check each item you intend to put into your storage unit for moisture beforehand. If you bring a wet item to your unit and leave it out in the open, the level of humidity will raise quickly since the air is trapped in a small space. Each of your items would then be at risk for the presence of rust, mildew, mold, corrosion, or wood rot. Check each item visually and manually to make sure there are no moisture beads present before storing in an appropriate enclosure. Wipe them down with a clean piece of dry cloth to remove any microscopic droplets.

Heat Up Cloth Appropriately

All cloth items should be placed in a dryer for five or ten minutes before storing. This will take any moisture out of the threads, making them safe to store in a plastic storage container if desired. Placing clothes in a sealed container is preferred so they are completely shielded from moisture which could cause mildew to become present on the item. Dry the item, fold it up and seal the container right away to keep the cloth fresh.

Dry Water Gear Outdoors

Before storing items regularly used with water activities outdoors, dry them in the sun so all traces of moisture will be eliminated before storing. This would include fishing equipment and lures, life jackets and other flotation devices, and kayaks, canoes, or oars. These items should not be wrapped in a plastic enclosure in case there was moisture still present after the sun-drying session. Moisture would then be trapped next to the item, possibly causing it to become damaged as a result.

Tend To Your Unit

Before renting a unit, have it inspected visually for any cracks in the exterior walls or gaps around the unit's door. If the door does not appear to be sealing out moisture or if void are found in the walls, ask to rent a different unit. You can check the door's sealing gasket by pouring water outside the door when it is closed while someone else is inside the unit.

If the unit seems to be doing its job at keeping moisture at bay, move in your items. Place them on pallets to help keep moisture from building up in one area of a cement floor if it becomes present in the unit. Place bowls of cedar chips or cat litter in several spots of the unit to help draw moisture out of the air naturally.
